Australian Curriculum

by Matt Harris, Ed.D. Matt Harris, Ed.D. No Comments

Educational Technology Standards and Frameworks

Educational Technology Standards and Frameworks

Educational Technology Standards and Frameworks

This resource is an overview the better known Educational Technology standards and frameworks.

Educational Technology is a complex field within education. There have been several Education Technology standards and frameworks developed globally to explain its intricacies and complexities from a micro and macro level. They range from user skills and competencies to models for professional development and evaluation.

If you know of any Educational Technology standards and frameworks not included on the list, please use the contact form to suggest changes or additions.


Jump to a set of standards or framework:

ISTE Standards
ISTE Standards

The international Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has produced, stewarded, and kept to date standards usage of technology for learning by stakeholder groups. Their standards are broken down by:


UNESCO ICT Competency
Framework for Teachers
UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) created a set of competencies, skills, and attitudes for teachers in the use of ICT for learning.



Framework for 21st Century LearningFramework for 21st Century Learning

The Partnership for 21st Century Learning developed a framework to describe the relationship between student learning outcomes, support systems, and key knowledge in creating 21st century learning environments that leverage Educational Technology.


iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online TeachingiNACOL National Standards for
Quality Online Teaching

The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) authored a set of standards for quality teaching and program design for online and blended learning programs.


Common Sense Media K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum Scope and SequenceCommon Sense Education K-12
Digital Citizenship Curriculum
Scope and Sequence

Common Sense Media developed a Digital Citizenship curriculum scope and sequence to cover it 8 key topics of Digital Citizenship knowledge for students.


Common Sense Media K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum Scope and SequenceAustralian Curriculum Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)

Australian Curriculum, as part of the Department of Education, created a framework to illustrate the key Educational Technology factors that influence student capacity with ICT.


The Tasmanian Curriculum Information and Communication Technology (ICT) K-10 Cross Curricular FrameworkThe Tasmanian Curriculum Information
and Communication Technology (ICT)
K-10 Cross Curricular Framework

The Tasmanian Department of Education created a Cross Curricular framework to teaching, learning, and assessing with ICT. It includes definitions, standards, and checklists for learning.


Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition (SAMR)Substitution, Augmentation,
Modification, Redefinition (SAMR)

Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition (SAMR) is a framework to help educators infuse technology for learning by showing a progression of use of Educational Technology.


Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK)Technological, Pedagogical, and
Content Knowledge (TPACK)

Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) is framework for understanding the intersection of Educational Technology, teaching practices, and learning outcomes with context for educators and students.


Replacement, Amplification, and Transformation (RAT) ModelReplacement, Amplification,
and Transformation (RAT) Model

Replacement, Amplification, and Transformation (RAT) Model was developed by Dr. Joan E. Hughes et al from the University of Minnesota as an assessment framework for understanding Educational Technology’s role in teaching, learning and curricular practices.


Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)

The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) developed by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology at the University of South Florida and the Arizona K12 Center is a matrix of skills and competencies to support and evaluate teachers’ use of Educational Technology.



Triple E FrameworkEngage, Enhance, Extend –
Triple E Framework

The Triple E Framework helps educators measure how well technology tools integrated into lessons are helping students engage in, enhance and extend learning goals.


PICRAT MatrixPassive, Interactive, Creative, Replaces, Amplifies, Transforms (PICRAT) Matrix

The PICRAT Matrix helps teachers evaluate their use of Educational Technology by mapping their instruction against two questions: What is the technology use’s effect on practice? And What are the students doing with the technology?


SAMMS Transformational FrameworkSituated, Accessibility, Multi-Modal, Mutability, Social (SAMMS) Framework

The SAMMS Framework for Transformational Technology by Sean McHugh is a set of five key discussion points and indicators for a redefinition of learning through digital technology. It uses these facets to help schools determine the “magic ingredients” for digital transformation.


The 4 Shifts Protocol4 Shift Protocol

The 4 Shifts Protocol by Scott McLeod and Julie Graber is a discussion protocol intended to help facilitate educator conversations about deeper learning, greater student agency, more authentic work, and rich technology infusion.

The post Educational Technology Standards and Frameworks appeared first on Matt Harris, Ed.D. -- International EdTech Specialist.
