by mattharrisedd
International EdTech - PortfolioInternational EdTech - Portfolio


We have worked with institutions around the world on a range of EdTech projects .

Selected portfolio of EdTech consulting work we have completed with schools,
companies, and Ministries of Education around the world.
Blueprint for Technology
in Education (ongoing)

Location: Global

We are leading an international effort to outline all of the touch points of technology in schools. This will include academic, operational, and organizational elements of educational technology. The final framework will be available to school worldwide.

International EdTech - Portfolio - Blueprint for Technology in Education
Readiness Assessment of MOE
for Digital Learning

Location: Indonesia

We were commissioned to write a report on the readiness for digital learning of Jakarta area schools. We collected data directly from students and teachers and authored the report based on internationally accepted standards of best practice for Educational Technology.

International EdTech - Portfolio - MOE Digital Readiness
Data Systems Design for a
New International School

Location: Saudi Arabia

We led team that designed the data systems for a new international school in the Middle East. We were responsible for creating a data systems ecology for all operational and educational systems that would account for English and Arabic.

International EdTech - Portfolio - Data Systems Design
Educational Technology
Strategic Planning

Location: Kuwait

We were asked to create an Educational Technology strategic plan for a medium sized school. We conducted a full survey of existing conditions at the school then drafted a strategic plan that covered Learning Technology, IT, and Data Systems.

International EdTech - Portfolio - EdTech Strategic Planning
EdTech Startup

Location: Singapore

We provided consultation to a startup company designing an online platform for students. We offered expertise in the development of the product and helped the company with knowledge of the education sector and the international schools market.

International EdTech - Portfolio - EdTech Startup Consultation
School Technology

Location: Vietnam

We conducted a full site audit of the school’s operational and academic technology. We collected data onsite through interviews with staff and students and through analysis of existing system. We also provided Board training on EdTech for future planning.

International EdTech - Portfolio - School Technology Audit
Educational Technology
Leadership Training

Location: Hong Kong

On multiple occasions, we have delivered day-long seminars to existing and emerging Educational Technology leaders. We base the training on the Tenets of Educational Technology Leadership, focusing on broad skills, technology-specific knowledge, and systemic thinking.

International EdTech - Portfolio - Educational Technology Leadership Training
Board Training in
Educational Technology

Location: Singapore

We led a seminar on Educational Technology for the board of a major curriculum organization. The seminar discussed the current state of EdTech globally, the leverage points for schools, and potentials actions for the organization to improve teaching and learning.

International EdTech - Portfolio - Board Training in Educational Technology
University and School
Speaking Tour

Location: China

We went on a four city speaking and training tour in mainland China. During our presentations, we spoke about MOOCs, BYOD, EdTech, and Blended Learning to university administrators, pre-service educators, ministry officials, investors, and students.

International EdTech - Portfolio - University and School Speaking Tour
Please contact us for further information about these projects
or to learn more about our other completed work.